Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Hauls (Part 2): Sasa, Daiso, etc

Here is the second installment of my hauls during the Christmas season! Its a little late due to me procrastinating. However, I believe that everyone managed to get suitable Christmas prezzies for all their loved ones!

Without further ado, let me start of with my buys from Sasa! First and foremost are 2 bath sets. During this period, many stores would sell bath products at 'sale prices', therefore this is using a good time to get some products for both your friends and yourself.

I prefer the second set more as it has a wider range of stuff and is more presentable as a whole. However, since I'm taking them out of their boxes and splitting them up equally, it does not really matter to me whether or not they are presentable or not.

Seeing that I have already decided to buy the 2 packages, the salesperson was nice enough to help me wrap them up (Yup, they have gift wrapping services!) while I look at other products in the store to see what else they have to offer. She also gave me a brochure with all the offers they have currently which was very sweet of her. So these are the other products that I got! A smokey eyeshadow make-up quad for $9.90! A steal! Plus 2 sets of fake eyelashes that I can't rmb how much they cost.

Zooming in to the smokey eyeshadow make-up quad, the thing that caught my eye the most was that it showed you how to apply the various different eye colours at the back of the quad. This makes it a suitable quad for those who have just begin learning to apply eye shadows! This quad comes in 4 different combos. Can't wait to try it. Will review this after trying it out!

Moving on, I also went to Daiso to purchase some Christmasy looking bags that I can place the bath products in. My friends and I had a Secret Santa Christmas exchange picnic where we bought a present for the person that we picked. However, we could still buy prezzies for the rest if we liked. So the bath products are what I bought for the rest of my friends. I placed them in cute looking Christmas bags from Daiso!

The good thing about it is that they are all 2 dollars! A steal considering how cute the bags are! As can be seen, I also bought an eyelash curler as my old 1 is like I said, pretty old! hehe~

After which, I proceeded on to NTUC to look around. And this was what I got for my other Christmas exchange party! The cap was $20. Since I had no idea who was going to pick my gift, I played safe by choosing a universal gift that everyone loves unless you are a chocolate hater that is! Cadbury assorted chocolates for only $15 ++ and 2 candy canes! **yums yums**

Last but not least, one of my friends introduced me to this site where I could get branded cosmetic products at a cheaper price due to them having imported them directly from the producers or sth. And this is what I got for my "secret santa" recipient!

An 'autumn-y' necklace that suits her to the T and an Estee Lauder flora pouch! Absolutely love it! Delivery only took 2 working days and you are able to choose what period you want it to be delivered. Will definitely buy again from that site!

Here is the link for the site:

My next post would most likely be my L'oreal warehouse sale hauls. Till the next time~

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