Sunday, December 4, 2011

Beauty tip for December

Try not to shampoo your hair regularly, maybe like once every 2 days. (or once every day if you are not able to adhere to this) Washing your hair too many times actually strip your hair of essential oils which would result in your hair being dry.

When shampoo-ing your hair, try to concentrate more on your scalp as compared to your roots. On the other hand, in the case of the conditioner, try not to apply it to your scalp and concentrate on your roots instead. By applying conditioner to your scalp, you are actually weighing down your hair.

(Think about it this way, imagine using shampoo to get rid of the oil in your scalp. However, putting conditioner to your scalp is actually like re-applying that "oil" to your scalp which defeats the whole purpose of shampoo-ing your hair!)

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